Before & After School Child Care for Elementary School Students
C.A.R.E. provides children a safe, compassionate environment that fosters diversity, learning, and enriching activities that are developmentally appropriate and enhance physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth.
Before & After Care Options: Morning and afternoon are charged separately.
Per AM/PM Fees: (Early Start Schools - Bemis, Hill, Martell, Troy Union, Wass & Wattles
Per AM/PM Fees: (Late Start Schools - Barnard, Costello, Hamilton, Leonard, Morse & Schroeder)
We are still registering for the 2024-2025 school year. Use the "Start Your Registration Here" button.
Forms & Parent Information Guide
CARE Forms
Parent Information Guide
C.A.R.E. offers your child a fun, exciting and educational experience. Your child will enjoy a safe, caring, and FUN environment with opportunities for learning, making friends, creating art projects, playing outdoors, along with many more opportunities to keep busy children happy!
2024-2025 CARE Parent Information Guide - revised - Alternative Text
Any child in kindergarten through 5th grades and have completed the online application, is eligible for admission to the program. Children must be enrolled for a minimum of 2 days per week. Enrollments are limited to the number the center is licensed to accommodate and is based on physical space and staffing requirements. Forms/agreements in the online application include:
- Child Information Form (required)
- Health Statement (required)
- Signed Parent Agreement Form (required)
- Licensing Notebook Policy (required)
- Medical Authorization Form (if applicable)
- Concussion Awareness Form (required)
- Written Documentation Packet Form (required)
- Additional forms as required We ask that all families share with staff any changes or needs that would influence the student’s time in C.A.R.E.
Please notify your C.A.R.E. supervisor if a custody issue exists or arises during the school year. If a student requires a student support aide (SSA), C.A.R.E. may need time to make appropriate staffing arrangements for the student. Withdrawal:
- Two weeks advance written notice is required to withdraw a student from AM and/or PM C.A.R.E.
- The two weeks will begin once the written communication is received. All fees will continue to be assessed until two weeks following receipt of written notice. Written notice can be emailed to TSD-CARE@troy.k12.mi.us.
- Any remaining balance is due in full by your child's last day of attendance.
- Online registration at troyceonline.com/programs/care.
- Registration is on a first-come/first-serve basis.
- $75.00 non-refundable enrollment fee – per child, if you remove your child from C.A.R.E. and re-enroll, you will be charged another $75 non-refundable enrollment fee.
- Must be registered by 12:00 pm, August 21, 2024, to begin C.A.R.E. the week of August 26, 2024 unless the district changes the in-seat start date. Registrations received after August 21, 2024 may begin C.A.R.E. the week of September 2, 2024.
- For the initial registration period, your child must start C.A.R.E. by September 9, 2024. Contracts must be created within a two-week start date going forward.
Once your initial contract is approved, your child’s schedule is set for Semester 1. Schedules can only be modified twice a year. Adding days to the schedule is possible whenever space is available. Trading or dropping days is NOT permitted outside of the schedule modification submission deadlines below:
- Modification from the initial registration must be submitted by September 20, 2024, for changes during October to January (Semester 1).
- To modify/change your child’s Semester 2 schedule (February to the end of the school year) submit an email with your schedule change request between January 1, 2025, through January 15, 2025, to TSD-CARE@troy.k12.mi.us. This change will take effect in February, space permitting.
- (All fees subject to change) - SCHOOL YEAR 2024/2025
- C.A.R.E. Hours of Operation: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
- C.A.R.E. Centers are closed: Aug 30, Sep 2, Oct 31, Nov 1, Nov 27-29, Dec 23-31, Jan 1-3, Jan 20, Feb 1718, Mar 14, Mar 24-31, Apr 18, May 26.
Annual Enrollment Fee: $75/child non-refundable. Credits are not given for illness or travel.
Sibling Discount: 10% (oldest child), Does not apply to enrollment fee or Non-School Days (half days, etc).
Late Fees: Payment received after the due date will receive a $25 late fee, automatically charged to the account. Accounts more than five working days past due may be dropped from program.
Finder’s Fee: Absences must be called into the C.A.R.E. Center. If a supervisor is required to locate your child by contacting the office or parent/guardian, a Finder’s Fee will be assessed at the following rates: $25 1st offense, $50 2nd offense, $75 3rd offense, (4 or more offenses child will be dropped from the program).
Full-time definition – 5 days per week (5 mornings, 5 afternoons or 5 mornings & 5 afternoons) Part-time definition (2 – 4 mornings, afternoons or both).
Early Start Schools: Bemis, Hill, Martell, Troy Union, Wass & Wattles.
- FULL-TIME COST: $8.25 (AM)
- FULL-TIME COST: $11.25 (PM)
- PART-TIME COST: $8.75 (AM)
- PART-TIME COST: $11.75 (PM)
Late Start Schools: Barnard, Costello, Hamilton, Leonard, Morse & Schroeder
- FULL-TIME COST: $10.25 (AM)
- FULL-TIME COST: $9.25 (PM)
- PART-TIME COST: $10.75 (AM)
- PART-TIME COST: $9.75 (PM)
Monthly invoices are issued around the 15th of the month prior and will auto pay on the 1st of the month. For example, the invoice for October 1st to October 31st C.A.R.E. will be issued on September 15th and will autopay on October 1st. Auto payment is required using a credit card, debit card or other form of ACH Electronic Transfer.
Drop Ins: (Fees: $13.50).
- Only available for those who are currently registered for C.A.R.E. with consistent schedule.
- Requires 24-hour advance notice and C.A.R.E. Center supervisor approval.
- Used for occasional sessions and only space permitting. Cannot be purchased online.
- Once approved by the C.A.R.E. Center supervisor, the account will be charged $13.50.
- Drop Ins are not permitted during the first week of school.
(Half Day CARE) Non-School Day (NSD) CARE events are offered at each elementary school. A minimum number must be met at each school for the program to run. Deadline for registration is 12pm, ten days prior to the event, unless an alternate deadline date is announced. Requests for refunds and cancellations for these events must be submitted via email no later than 12pm, ten days prior to the event regardless of registration deadlines and approval dates. We may cancel a school’s NSD event at any time and parents will be notified of any cancellations. You must log-in to your account to register.
The following dates are the only days we are offering Half Day CARE:
- HALF-DAY CARE Dates 2024 Dates 2025 Sep 25, Oct 10, Oct 11 Jan 22, Jan 23, Jan 24, Mar 12, Mar 13.
- Fees: $25 $75.00 for late registration and $88.50 for unregistered drop-ins.
The Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA), requires that drop off and pick up times be noted by the parent or staff member on each day of attendance. A Child Emergency/Information Record form must be completed for each child attending C.A.R.E., including permission to seek emergency medical treatment and designating who may pick up each child. C.A.R.E. staff will not, under any circumstances, release a child to an individual who is not designated by the parent in writing. Persons picking up a child must provide picture ID. In cases where there are custody concerns, a dated and official copy of the court documentation is required whenever a child is not to be released to a parent. If children are going to attend enrichment classes held at their school during the C.A.R.E. hours, the parent must provide information in writing of the schedule and activity. The child will go directly to the enrichment class after school and then come to C.A.R.E. after class is over. At that point in time, they will be signed into the C.A.R.E. program. Once the child is signed out of the C.A.R.E. program, they cannot be signed back in during that session.
Your child must be picked up promptly at the end of the day, no later than 6:00 PM. Be sure to list a neighbor, relative, or co-worker on your child information form. Having an approved release person will allow you to contact them to pick up your child if you find yourself running late and unable to pick up at the designated time. Fees will be assessed beginning at 1- minute past 6:00 PM.
Late Pick-up fee will be assessed at the following rates:
- 6:01-6:15 = $20.00
- 6:16-6:30 = $40.00
- 6:31-6:45 = $50.00
- 6:46-7:00 = $60.00
- Children not picked up within 1 hour of closing may be released to the Troy Police Department or Children’s Protective Services.
- Lateness of 3 or more times within the school year will result in dismissal from the program.
- When school is unexpectedly closed for the entire day, C.A.R.E. programs will not be open.
- If a school building closes for any reason, C.A.R.E. will be closed.
- Check the Troy School District website for school closing information: www.troy.k12.mi.us.
- When inclement weather threatens, please listen for school closing announcements on the radio (WJR) or local television stations.
- We advise making alternate childcare arrangements in advance should unplanned school closings occur. School Closings Credits will be applied beginning on the third occasion of such an event (weather, power outages, building problems).
On rare occasions, district administration may determine it is necessary to dismiss school early after the regular school day has begun because of threatening weather conditions or other emergencies. On those occasions, the school office activates a telephone fan-out or email blast to inform parents. Be sure the school has the number where you can be reached during the day and inform the office if that number changes. School Messenger will send messages to the phone numbers you have requested. Afternoon sessions of C.A.R.E. may not be open when school is dismissed early in the day. It is important that parents make plans for an alternate childcare situation. Parents should discuss with their child an early dismissal procedure to follow, such as picking up younger siblings and where to go in the neighborhood if parents are not home. This plan should be clearly understood by all children.
A child exhibiting or experiencing any of the following symptoms may not attend child C.A.R.E. These symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, undiagnosed rash, green or yellow discharge from nose, an inflamed throat, redness or discharge from the eyes, or an elevated temperature. A child may also be excluded if he/she exhibits any other conditions that may be considered contagious to others. A child must be excluded until he/she is fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication, or unless the doctor provides a written note, except in the case of a Covid diagnosis, where the Health Department quarantine will be followed. Please keep the child C.A.R.E. staff informed of any medical concerns your child might have while in our C.A.R.E Program. If a child is not well enough to attend school, he/she is not well enough to attend C.A.R.E. Parents will be notified if another student, staff, or volunteer has contracted a communicable disease. Families will be notified by a notice posted in the center or by email.
If a child experiences a serious incident, illness, injury, or accident while in C.A.R.E. (but not life threatening), the parent will be notified first by phone, email, or text. Upon contact with the parent, the parent will decide if they will come and transport the student to a hospital or home, or if the child will be transported immediately to a hospital where the parent will meet the ambulance. If the incident, illness, injury, or accident is life-threatening, 911 will be called first, and the child will be transported to the nearest hospital. Continuous attempts will be made to contact the parent or guardian. If the parent or guardian is not reached, an emergency contact person will be contacted. If a child is transported to the hospital, a staff member will go with the child to the hospital and remain with the child until the parent/guardian arrives. If the parent decides to transport the child, and while waiting for the parent to arrive, the child will be isolated from other children if there is concern for a contagious illness. The child will be comforted and monitored by staff until the parent, or an authorized release person arrives.
It is the Troy School District policy that all medications (prescription and over the counter) dispensed at C.A.R.E. require an authorization from the physician. Parents need to ask their physician to complete an Authorization for Medication Form to enable staff to dispense medication to your child. All medications must be in the original packaging with the pharmacy or packaging label intact. Medications must be presented to the childcare supervisor. Medications may not be in the possession of children. Please keep the C.A.R.E. staff informed of any medical concerns your child might have while in our care.
All C.A.R.E. staff have received training for the signs and symptoms of a concussion. Staff will notify the parent/guardian when concerned about the possibility of a concussion or a child’s safety. Parents must sign a Concussion Awareness form indicating that they, too, are familiar with concussion signs and symptoms. 8 FOOD
Please be sure to send a nutritious snack each day for your child. (On half days, families must provide lunch unless other arrangements have been planned by the center.) Please limit sugary items. Please inform the center staff (in writing) if your child has any food allergies. When parents provide food for lunch or snacks for consumption during the C.A.R.E. portion of the day, parents must label the snack or lunch container/bag with the child’s first and last name and the date. Snack Suggestions: Cut up veggies, granola bars, fresh fruit, applesauce cups, cheese & crackers, peanut butter and crackers, yogurt, string cheese, trail mix, humus, and chips.
Our activities may vary from day to day. We try to provide a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities to strengthen the cognitive, social-emotional, and physical domains of development. A typical day will include many of the following: Arrival - AM 7:00 - 8:40 or 7:00 - 9:10
Open play (board games, crafts, cooking, reading, puzzles, block play, coloring, playdough or other sensory experience, manipulatives, homework, etc.) ✓ Gym or outdoor play time ✓ 8:40/9:10 dismissal to class Arrival - PM 3:37 or 4:07 - 6:00 ✓ Snack ✓ Homework time ✓ Outdoor play or gym time ✓ Open play (board games, crafts, cooking, reading, puzzles, block play, coloring, playdough or other sensory experience, manipulatives, academic support, etc.) ✓ NO Later than 6:00 Pick-up.
There may be occasions when we will take photographs in our programs. These photos may be used in Troy School District publications, general news articles or on our web page. Whenever possible we will notify the parents of our intent to publish their child’s photograph.
- Incomplete Forms
- Dropping a child off before 7:00 a.m.
- Late pick-up (after 6:00 p.m.) more than three times
- Physical or verbal abuse of child or staff member by parent
- Failure to sign a child in or out of the program more than three times
- Failure to call in an absence to the child’s C.A.R.E. Center more than three times (See Finder’s Fee)
- Accounts more than five working days past due may be dropped from the program.
The C.A.R.E. Program is a before and after school program offered at each of the Troy School District’s twelve elementary schools. C.A.R.E. is designed to provide a safe, nurturing, engaging and fun environment for students.
The C.A.R.E. environment differs from the school day environment in the following ways: Students in grades K through 5 are combined, there is an 18 to 1 child to childcare worker ratio, and C.A.R.E. is less structured than the classroom setting. While most children thrive in the C.A.R.E. Program, there are some children that find the environment overstimulating and distressing and thus may not be able to adhere to the C.A.R.E. Program’s Expected Behaviors. To ensure a safe environment, children are expected to abide by the Expected Behaviors below.
Expected Behaviors:
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Act in a courteous and cooperative manner
- Use acceptable and appropriate language
- Be responsible for your actions
- Follow C.A.R.E. giver rules Our goal is for the C.A.R.E. Staff to use positive methods of disciple to encourage self-control, self- direction, and cooperation.
Staff talks with students and uses redirection and logical consequences to correct inappropriate behaviors. If inappropriate behaviors cannot be corrected, it may be necessary for the Discipline Process to be implemented. See pages 12-14 to understand the process. Discipline Process Definition of Terms: C.A.R.E. Team: may include the C.A.R.E. Center Supervisor(s), Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor, Community Education and Enrichment Coordinator, C.A.R.E. Student Support Aide, Special Education Liaison, Director of Athletics. Necessary School Support Staff: may include, but is not limited to, the school Principal, representative(s) from Special Education and any other person who may assist the C.A.R.E. Team with making decisions related to a student. Parent: mother, father, or legal guardian of a student
Speaking disrespectfully to C.A.R.E. staff, refusing to follow directions, using inappropriate language.
First Incident: Parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with the incident report will also be sent as an attachment to the parent.
Second Incident: Parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent. The Supervisor will also cc the Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor.
Third Incident: Parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent. Supervisor will also cc Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor. Care staff will, if possible, will implement any reasonable strategies to promote positive behavior in the child.
Fourth Incident: If behavior occurs again, parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent. Supervisor will also cc Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor. A temporary suspension from the C.A.R.E. Program of 2 Days will occur.
Fifth Incident: Upon returning to C.A.R.E., if there is another Level I behavior occurrence, this will result in the child being dismissed from the C.A.R.E. Program for the remainder of the school year and summer following.
Readmittance Consideration The Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor and C.A.R.E. Team will meet to determine if C.A.R.E. provides the right environment to support the child. If the Readmittance Team determines it is in the child’s best interest, the child has the capacity to function in the C.A.R.E. Program, and the parents understand that their child’s readmittance and retention in C.A.R.E. will be based on the child’s ability to function properly in C.A.R.E., the child will be readmitted conditionally.
First Incident After Readmittance: If the same or similar Level I behavior occurs once the child is readmitted to C.A.R.E., parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent. Supervisor will also cc Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor. A temporary suspension from the C.A.R.E. Program of 2 Days will occur.
Return After 2 Day Suspension of Readmitted Student: Before returning to the C.A.R.E. Program following a two-day suspension, the C.A.R.E. Team will discuss if C.A.R.E. provides the right environment to support the student’s continuation in the program. If the Team determines that the student can return to C.A.R.E. the student will be admitted conditionally if another Level I issue occurs after suspension the student will be dismissed from the program for a calendar year.
Physical harm to another child, staff member, self-harm, destruction of property, leaving the C.A.R.E. program without permission, or any verbal or physical behavior that can be considered bullying. Should the behavior be considered severe, it may be necessary to move directly to the Third Incident protocol or place the child’s participation in CARE on hold to allow time for further investigation regarding concerning behaviors.
First Incident: Parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent.
Second Incident: Parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent. Supervisor will also cc Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor. Care staff will, if possible, implement any reasonable strategies to promote positive behavior in the child.
Third Incident: Parent is notified by supervisor verbally and given the incident report at the following C.A.R.E. session. A follow-up email with incident report will be sent as an attachment to parent. Supervisor will also cc Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor. A temporary suspension from the C.A.R.E. Program of 2 Days will occur.
Fourth Incident: Upon returning to C.A.R.E. if there is another Level II behavior occurrence, the child will be dismissed from the C.A.R.E. Program for a calendar year.
Readmittance Consideration The Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor and C.A.R.E. Team will meet to determine if C.A.R.E. provides the right environment to support the child. If the Readmittance Team determines it is for the child’s best interest and the child can function properly in the C.A.R.E. Program, and the parents understand that their child’s readmittance and retention in C.A.R.E. will be based on the child’s ability to function properly in the C.A.R.E. Program, the child will be readmitted conditionally. Should another Level II incident occur within the first three months of readmittance, it will be treated as a Fourth Incident and dismissal protocol will be followed.
If a Level II incident occurs after three months of readmittance, the C.A.R.E. Team will meet and determine if this is an isolated incident or if a pattern has developed that may necessitate dismissal from the program.
The center does not keep a paper copy of the licensing notebook, but internet access to these reports is available onsite. Licensing reports from at least the last three years are available at www.michigan.gov/michildcare.
C.A.R.E. CONTACT INFORMATION: tsd-care@troy.k12.mi.us
Linda Smith, (248) 823-5155, Community Education and Enrichment Supervisor, lsmith@troy.k12.mi.us.
Cora Essenmacher, (248) 823-5180, Community Education and Enrichment Coordinator, cessenmacher@troy.k12.mi.us.
Marla AIcantara, (248) 823-5178, Secretary, maIcantara@troy.k12.mi.us.
Tamara Martirosyan, (248) 823-5159, Secretary, tmartirosyan@troy.k12.mi.us.
The Troy School District child C.A.R.E. programs are licensed by the Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
- The following information is provided to inform you of our practices. Staff and Volunteer Screening
- The Troy School District requires a criminal history check on all child C.A.R.E. staff.
- The Troy School District requires fingerprint clearance on all staff.
- All child C.A.R.E. staff have a child abuse and neglect clearance performed by the Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) at least every two years.
- All staff is familiar with the Child Protection Law as it relates to child abuse and neglect and all staff are mandated reporters.
- A volunteer shall not have unsupervised contact with children.
- Volunteers may be required to have a criminal history check, or a child abuse and neglect clearance performed in compliance with school district or child C.A.R.E. policies.
The Troy School District playground equipment has been certified to meet all safety standards required by the Michigan Department of Education. The Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Child and Adult Daycare Licensing, require licensed centers to inform parents that the center plans to use a public school’s outdoor play area. In some cases, the equipment may not comply with all childcare licensing rules.
Pest Control Management
The Troy School District Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan is in complete compliance with current laws and rules, including Regulation 637 of the Pesticide Control Act. Troy School District contracts with Elite Pest Management who is IPM State Certified for pest control services. Elite Pest Management is also “GREEN SHIELD CERTIFIED” for IPM Services to Schools and Healthcare Facilities. For most pest control problems, non-chemical methods are used, such as pest exclusion and access denial. If pest control applications are necessary, technicians will use products that contain organic ingredients and natural insecticides. Pest control measures will not be used when students are in attendance.
Parents will be notified each September of pest control measures. Families that have requested to be notified by completing the Notification for Specific Pesticide Application annually will be contacted in a letter, email, or phone call by the District and/or Elite Pest Management if the pest problem requires an emergency application. When a pest application will take place, notice will be provided to families by either: verbally in person by staff, POSTED near the sign-in/out attendance sheet, or by email. Notice will be provided in advance whenever possible.
Revised 5/18 For more information visit our website: https://www.troyceonline.com.
C.A.R.E. Philosophy
C.A.R.E. provides children a safe, compassionate environment that fosters diversity, learning, and enriching activities that are developmentally appropriate and enhance physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth.
Troy Learning Center
1522 East Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48083
TAX ID NUMBER: 38-6003099
How to Register & Create an Account
Registration Information:
During open registration, you can register your child by completing a contract for your child in our Eleyo registration platform. You will first have to create an account profile as a parent and then add each child as your family member. Then you can proceed to create the contract for each child. Once we approve the contract(s), you will receive an email confirmation from Eleyo. Please click below to learn more:
Before & After Care Options: Morning and afternoon are charged separately.
- Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost AM: $8.50
- Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost PM: $11.50
- Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost AM: $9.00
- Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost PM: $12.00
Per AM/PM Fees: (Late Start Schools - Barnard, Costello, Hamilton, Leonard, Morse & Schroeder)
- Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost AM: $10.50
- Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost PM: $9.50
- Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost AM: $11.00
- Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost PM: $10.00
Use the registration button below to learn more.
Opens MAY 5, 2025 @ 8 A.M. / FEE $75
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