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C.A.R.E. Company


Before & After School Child Care for Elementary School Students 

Change to: C.A.R.E. provides children a safe, compassionate environment that fosters diversity, learning, and enriching activities that are developmentally appropriate and enhance physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth. 


Before & After Care Options:

Per AM/PM Fees:  (Early Start Schools - Bemis, Hill, Martell, Troy Union, Wass & Wattles)
  • Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost AM:  $8.25
  • Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost PM:  $11.25
  • Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost AM:  $8.75
  • Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost PM:  $11.75

Per AM/PM Fees:  (Late Start Schools - Barnard, Costello, Hamilton, Leonard, Morse & Schroeder)

  • Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost AM:  $10.25
  • Full-Time (5 Days Per Week) Cost PM:  $9.25
  • Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost AM:  $10.75
  • Part-Time (Minimum 2 Days Per Week) Cost PM:  $9.75

Use the registration button below to learn more.

Our registration is NOW OPEN.

Start Your Registration Here


Learning More
Learn more about the Before and After school childcare for school age children program.  Please email us at with your questions or concerns. Or call 248-823-5178.

FOR QUESTIONS, CALL US AT :  (248) 823-5178


How to Register & Create an Account

Registration Information:

During open registration, you can register your child by completing a contract for your child in our Eleyo registration platform.  You will first have to create an account profile as a parent and then add each child as your family member.  Then you can proceed to create the contract for each child. Once we approve the contract(s), you will receive an email confirmation from Eleyo.  Please click below to learn more:

The following links contain helpful tips on how to create an account and a contract in Eleyo:
The following link contains tips on how to access details about your account when you log in to your account in Eleyo. This includes invoices, payment details, contract status and how to registering for Half-Days.